SPSF Opens Grant Applications for 2023-2024 School Year
Oct 20, 2022
The Spokane Public Schools Foundation (SPSF) is now accepting grant applications from educators for the 2023-2024 school year. Each year, SPSF awards dozens of grants to educators in the Spokane Public Schools (SPS) School District ranging from $200 up to $2,500.
The Foundation is an IRS-certified 501(c)(3) organization. Its Board funds grants to K-12 classrooms in the second largest school district in the state, Spokane Public Schools. The Foundation funds innovative, creative, and problem-solving projects and programs. The competitive grants process is an annual effort offered in the spring of each year for the following school year. To date, SPSF has funded over $500,000 in relatively small to medium sized grants.
“Last year we saw an unprecedented number of applicants and were able to provide an astounding $102,000 in grants to classrooms. We have made our grant application process as easy as possible for educators to apply, and are hopeful for another banner year.” said Grants Committee Chair Keith Comes. “The grants help fund classroom projects that create the learning experience that students need to be engaged. We are very thankful for the businesses and individuals that make these grants possible.”
The major criteria used in the selection process include:
- Creative and innovative activity or program
- Goals and measurable outcomes
- Number of students impacted by grant
- Student need based on free and reduced lunch population
- Budget amount
- Successful completion of previous grant evaluation (if applicable)